How to configure a drive with Cryptomator

How to configure a drive with Cryptomator

Syncthing is an application that synchronize users files in shared folders.

This tutorial will use a Debian operating system but it can be replicated on any Linux interface.
First, install Syncthing on your Linux distribution with the terminal.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install syncthing

Once the package installation is over, configure Syncthing so it boots at launch.
To do so, go in Tweaks (you can boot it in terminal by typing gnome-tweaks), go in Startup Applications and add BOTH Syncthing.

After adding them, you will need to restart the computer.
To access to the Syncthing settings, open an internet browser and type:

Click on add a shared folder and name it. It will automatically create it once you pressed the save button and you’ll find it in your personnal files.

Now that Syncthing is configured, our files are available to the world wide web but we don’t want that!
We wish to encrypt and to do that, we’re going to use Cryptomator.

Now let’s create a chest, we’ll call it « Secret » to not be original and the file placement will be in our shared folder.

We give it a strong password and we’re done!

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